The first is the free ride mode (unlocked gradually as the game progresses), in which we earn a living by transporting people in a taxi, killing members of an enemy family or destroying cars, and the goal of the game is to earn as much cash as possible. However, the authors took care of additional gameplay modes, prolonging the possibility of fun after the completion of the main storyline. Mafia The City of Lost Heaven Download is a single player game. Interestingly, when driving, we should follow the traffic rules, and the commission of a misdemeanor can end with a ticket or a large-scale police chase. Unfortunately, due to lack of licenses, their names have been changed. In total, more than 60 models were mapped in the game, among which there were many iconic for its era. The map of Lost Heaven covers more than twelve square miles of the bustling city, where we can move around quite freely both on foot and by car.

elements such as a three-person view, the ability to drive cars, as well as an open world, filled with a whole mass of side activities. The fun mechanics of the Mafia game can be associated with the latest Grand Theft Auto series, and both games Love m.in. So, as a result of an unexpected turn of events, our protagonist joined the ranks of the famous criminal organization. There he received an unusual job offer, made by Don Salieri-a bar owner and mafioso, shaking the whole Italian district. During one of them he was attacked by gangsters named Morello, but he managed to escape and take refuge in a nearby bar. During the game, we play the character of a young taxi driver Thomas Angelo, who, wanting to earn a living, did not avoid even the most dangerous courses to the “shady” districts of the city. The action Mafia The City of Lost Heaven Download is set in the fictional American city of Lost Heaven and takes place in the years 1930-38, although the film epilogue of the game also shows us further events, up to 1951. Mafia The City of Lost Heaven Download – Review Game: